Today is the first day of classes at my university. We had our first faculty meeting on Monday. I had my first student emails this morning.
I love the start of the school year. My husband looked at me funny on Sunday when I clapped my hands and said in a happy, happy voice, “School starts tomorrow!” Obviously, I’m in the right profession. I get to be in school all the time with the added benefit of creating the syllabi and assignments instead of being on the receiving end.
What does this have to do with anything? Bumbling around the Internet I came across Be Kind to Humankind Week and today is “Lend A Hand Wednesday”. It seemed like a good way to start to start the school year. There are new students, faculty, and staff wandering around campus lost. Everyone is trying to figure out their new schedule. Faculty are doing last minute course prep, making copies, tweaking (or creating!) course websites.
It’s a mix of excitement and nerves. And potentially friction.
So I’m keeping my eye out today for anyone who looks lost and wide-eyed and maybe in need of a hand.
And that is all I have to say today. My first class of the year beckons. Look for something more meaty next week.
Who have you given a hand to recently?